Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008


Setiap orang pada dasarnya menginginkan kekayaan dan kesejahteraan. Apakah saat ini and merasa kaya? Apa yang mebuat anda kaya, apakah harta anda, uang anda, properti anda, tanah atau pulau yang anda miliki? Ternyata dalam abad teknoogi informasi saat ini semua itu belum tentu membuat anda kaya, modal kekayaan yang sesungguhnya adalah “KNOWLEDGE”. Hal ini dikatakan Lester Thurow dalam bukunya “Creating Wealth, The New Rules for Individuals, Companies and Countries in a Knowledge Based Economy,” cuplikan lengkapnya sebagai berikut :

“The old fundations of success are gone. For all of human history, the sources of success has been the control of natural resources-land, gold, oil. Suddenly the answer is “knowledge.” The world’s wealthiest man, Bill Gates, owns nothing tangible-no land, no gold or oil, no factories, no industrial processes, no armies. For the first time in human history the world’s wealthiest man owns only Knowledge.

Knowledge is the new basis for wealth. This has never before been true. In the past when capitalists talked about their wealth they were talking abouttheir ownership of plant and equipment and natural resources. In the future when capitalists talk about their wealth they will be talking about their control of knowledge. Even the language of wealth generation changes. One can talk about “owning” capital equipment or natural resources. The concept of “owning” is clear. But one cannottalk in the same ways about “owning” knowledge. Owning knowledge is a slippery concept. The human beings who possess knowledge cannot be made into slaves. Exactly how one controls (owns?) knowledge is in fact a central issue in a knowledge-based economy.”

Jadi seberapa kayakah anda? Ukurlah dari kapasitas & utilitas pengetahuan anda.

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